This week on Home and Away in Australia, Mackenzie is furious at Levi for inviting Abigail to move in, while Bree’s strange behaviour worsens.
Since the tragic death of Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) a few weeks ago, Bree has been blaming herself for not being able to save her friend, despite there being little more she could have done.

As a result, Bree has begun meticulously double-checking her work at the hospital, worried that she may miss something which could prove equally as fatal.
“Bree was the doctor in charge of Felicity’s case, and couldn’t save her,” Juliet told TV Week. “She becomes terrified of making a mistake and losing another patient.”
“Also, she’s seeing the devastating effect of Flick’s death on her community and feels partly responsible. She starts to doubt her abilities as a doctor, the fear manifesting in a need to control everything and being overly cautious.”

This was demonstrated in the case of Claudia Salini (Rachael Carpani), who had been discharged by Bree after suffering a broken arm in a car accident.
After seeing Claudia rubbing her neck that evening in Salt, Bree urgently called her back in to run further tests. A CT scan showed nothing out of the ordinary, leaving Claudia frustrated.

Dana (Ally Harris) has already been noticing Bree’s change in attitude, and next week Bree’s unusual behaviour continues when a man is brought into the hospital after suffering an accident at work.
As TV Week reports, when Bree tends to the man’s head injury, she manages to get a blood stain on her scrubs.
Bree immediately worries about it and rushes away to wash it off, leaving nurse Dana to tend to the patient herself.
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“It’s a moment that Bree loses control,” Juliet explains. “Seeing the blood triggers a loop of fearful ‘What if?’ thoughts. She’s frozen and becomes overwhelmed.”
When Bree continues to obsess over the blood stain some time later, a concerned Dana questions her again.
Will Bree be able to see that she has a problem?
As last week came to a close, Mackenzie (Emily Weir) was stunned to learn that she suddenly had a new housemate, in the form of boyfriend Levi’s (Tristan Gorey) youngest sister Abigail (Hailey Pinto).
It came only a day after farmhouse leaseholder Mac learnt, via text message no less, that Tane (Ethan Browne) and Perri (Cantona Stewart) had moved out to return to Tane’s old place on Saxon Avenue.

Levi has recently been holed up in the motel alongside Eden (Stephanie Panozzo), as the two of them helped Abby withdraw from drug use.
Now that Abby has managed to get through a horrific few days though, they’re looking to accommodate her elsewhere.
The plan was initially for Abby to move into the sharehouse with Eden, sharing her bed, but Abby had forgotten that Eden lived with bandmates Remi (Adam Rowland) and Kirby (Angelina Thomson).

After a tense exchange with Remi, Abby stormed off and told Levi that there was no way she could live with the bandmates.
Abby explained to Levi that after he had moved out of home ten years ago, Eden had soon met Remi and spent all her time with the band.

With their mum having to take care of the business in the wake of husband Jimmy (Aaron Jeffery) leaving her, Abby had felt abandoned by everyone.
Abby still blames Kirby and Remi for taking her big sister away from her, and it’s clear she’s not ready to forgive and forget.

As a result, Levi brought Abby back to the farmhouse and showed her to one of the spare bedrooms.
As Mac returned, she was stunned to find Abby emerging from the room asking when they could get the rest of her stuff from their mum’s.

Mac and Levi have been butting heads over Abby, not least because Levi had lied about where he was whilst supporting Abby though her withdrawals.
Mac believes that Levi had been enabling Abby’s behaviour by mollycoddling her, and it’s doubtful that her stance is about to change given the latest development.

As a promo for this week shows, Mac is angry at Levi for springing this on her, and wonders if there’s any other safe place Abby could go.

Mac later asks Levi whether he can guarantee that Abby won’t steal from them or bring drugs into the house, but he’s unable to do that.

Mac sits down with Abby who explains that she has stopped using, and doesn’t intend to start up again.
Mac asks if she will let her know if that changes, but Abby snaps back whether she’ll let them know the next time she plans to sleep with a married man!

“I’ll show you the door in a minute,” Mac snaps as Levi asks them to be civil.
“I dare you to try,” Abby replies.

Will the two overcome their differences to live together in harmony?