    HomeEastendersEastEnders: Reveal Tragic New Ben Mitchell Storyline

    EastEnders: Reveal Tragic New Ben Mitchell Storyline

    Things go from bad to worse next week after Ben punches his mum

    Just when you thought EastEnders writers couldn’t throw any more drama Ben Mitchell’s way, you would be wrong. EastEnders has revealed a worrying new storyline that will kick off in upcoming episodes.

    Ben was just detained for assaulting his nephew Peter Beale, but the week after that, when he meets James, his life will take a further turn for the worse.

    Although Kathy cries out for her kid to speak to a specialist, her pleas go unanswered. When he attempts to confront his mother’s boyfriend but mistakenly strikes Kathy, things get heated at home between him and Rocky.

    Sadly Ben will continue to argue and fall out with those closest to him so he’s forced to move in with Jay and Honey.

    After apologising to his mum, Kathy reveals she’s had enough of his behaviour and makes an ultimatum. Either he gets help, or she’ll never speak to him again.

    Feeling more lonely than ever, Ben contacts James, an old school friend, and invites him out for a drink.

    As the pair head to the Arches for a little fun, Ben takes James up on his offer and takes drugs.

    Ben hides the evidence of the previous night after waking up in the garage before Kheerat comes, but as he uses narcotics for the rest of the week, it will become clear to those who care about Ben that he is doing so to dull his agony.

    Will they step in and help?

    EastEnders air these scenes next week, with all episodes available from Monday on BBC iPlayer.


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