Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Cash and Irene are devastated when the police deliver news of Jasmine, whilst Xander returns to old habits…
After six long weeks, Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) was eager to his girlfriend Jasmine (Sam Frost), who had been away at the Shaw family property in the far regions of New South Wales. Back in July, after Wendy suffered a heart attack, Jasmine made a mercy dash to aid her ex-in-laws Ian (Frankie J. Holden) and Wendy (Amanda Muggleton).

Jasmine had also left behind her recently discovered siblings Xander (Luke Van Os) and Rose (Kirsty Marillier), who made the move to Summer Bay just over 3 months ago in order to get to know her.

Cash agreed to watch out for them, and Jasmine felt bad for abandoning them so soon after they had sacrificed everything to be close to her. Jasmine would, after all, return before they knew it, wouldn’t she?
Whilst everyone was pleased with the news that Jasmine was finally returning home, Xander was thrilled to also learn that Cash was planning to propose to her!

Cash put on his suit and set out a spread of champagne and roses as he impatiently awaited Jasmine’s arrival since he had the Beach House to himself the entire afternoon.
But as the hours passed, Cash’s worry grew. Despite the distance from the farm in Mt. Edgecombe, Jasmine shouldn’t have to travel so far.

Cash sends Jasmine a voicemail, wondering whether getting her to come home early has caused any problems when the action picks up the next week. Cash calls Jasmine, but she doesn’t answer, so when night falls, he goes to the cafe to see whether Irene (Lynne McGranger) has heard anything.
Cash becomes increasingly paranoid as he queries Irene and Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) about if they have spoken to Jasmine about the famed Rose incident that he has been worrying about for weeks. Irene tries to call Ian, but he is likewise unreachable. Both have resisted, so Cash is still perplexed as to what took transpired.

It’s time for Cash to file a missing person’s report after hearing nothing from the farm the following morning, according to Eden (Stephanie Panozzo).

It’s time for Cash to file a missing person’s report after hearing nothing from the farm the following morning, according to Eden (Stephanie Panozzo).

Cash calls the police station near the farm and asks them to do a welfare check, but when the police finally ring back, Cash is shocked by what he hears… “No, no, that can’t be right” he exclaims, as John looks on.

As Cash frantically takes his feelings out on a punchbag in the gym, John is forced to call on Irene again who begs Cash to tell her what’s happened—is Jasmine OK?!

“She’s fine“, Cash replies. “They’re all fine“, before telling her that Jasmine isn’t coming home…
Cash claims that Jasmine informed the police that she was staying at the farm when they contacted. She requested that the cops deliver the message of her love and regrets to Cash instead of trying to talk to him.

An angry Irene attempts to process everything as Cash takes a breath. Later, she queries Cash about Xander and Rose’s knowledge. Cash claims he doesn’t want them to hear it over the phone, despite the fact that it is Jasmine’s duty to inform them.

He’s going to have to break the news himself—but how can he tell them that they’ve uprooted their lives for nothing?

As he struggles with the mental strain of his paramedic work, Xander is already coping with his own problems. Rose recently learned that her brother’s method of coping with patients’ deaths is to get a tattoo in their honour. As a result, Rose realised that her brother required assistance.

When Xander finally decided to ask for help at work, it was over a conversation with Cash. Now that he has already had his first counselling session, Xander follows their suggestion by going to the gym with Cash.

Cash can’t bring himself to say the truth, so he just says that he hasn’t done anything yet when Xander is eager to know more about the proposal. Cash understands that the news of Jasmine is going to be devastating as Xander reveals that his counsellor has advised him to talk more about the stress he is experiencing.

Cash arrives by the apartment that evening hoping to find Rose there as well, but when he sees Xander by himself, he realises he can’t put it off any longer.
When Xander learns that Jasmine hasn’t even provided an explanation for her choice, he is even more shocked by the news.
He asks, “Are you sure you’re going to let her do this without telling me why?” “You merit an explanation,” I say.

Irene is certain that she travel with Cash to the property because she believes that Xander is correct.
Xander is in a particularly terrible mood that night as he tosses and turns in bed with sirens blaring continuously in his thoughts.
When Xander contacts his counsellor in a panic, the counsellor suggests that he try breathing exercises, but Xander notes that nothing they have given him thus far has worked.

Xander is at a loss and chooses to turn to his own method of therapy as he sobs on the edge of the bed.
Fortunately, it appears that Summer Bay has an after-hours tattoo artist accessible for home visits. As he helps the artist set up the necessary equipment, Xander swiftly browses the catalogue and selects a sizable pattern to be inked on his pec.

As the tattoo artist gets to work, a look of relief falls across Xander’s face…

Are Xander’s tattoos real?
Yes! All of Xander’s inkings are ones belonging to actor Luke Van Os, even his latest one. But how come we didn’t see it before?
Home and Away‘s head of makeup Laura Vazquez recently took to Instagram to reveal that they had covered up the large tattoo on Luke’s chest in previous scenes, in order to write it into the show at this later date. She even provided a timelapse showing the whole process.