    HomeHome & AwayHome and Away spoilers: What is Tex’s secret as he steals a...

    Home and Away spoilers: What is Tex’s secret as he steals a photo of Ari?

    Rose (Kirsty Marillier) and Tex (Lucas Lineham) have recently gone on their first romantic getaway to the city, and they return even more loved up. Xander (Luke Van Os) is wary about the rapidly escalating relationship, considering that Rose confessed her feelings for Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) not too long ago. However, he decides to keep his word and stay out of her business. Regardless, he can’t help but smile for her newfound happiness.

    Tex recently joined a gym and has been going there frequently. He starts attending in the late hours, and one evening he takes advantage of the empty building by exploring the office. He scans the area before focusing on the picture of Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) and Mia (Anna Samson), which was taken to commemorate their purchase of the gym. After taking the picture, he leaves. Why is he doing that?

    Tex arrives by himself at a commercial warehouse and says, “It’s been a long,” as he welcomes a motorcycle. The area is crowded with leather-clad bikers, many of whom warmly embrace Tex. Tex weaves his way among the people until he comes at a man who addresses him as the Sergeant in Arms. He inquires as to what Tex has discovered, and Tex shows him the picture. The man affirms that it is Ari Parata who is there.

    If the man wants to act, Tex claims he can divert the neighbourhood cop. He winks as the man inquires how Tex accomplished that. The individual claims that more intelligence needs to be gathered therefore it’s not quite time. Tex returns to Summer Bay after receiving instructions to enter again. What are the men planning for the Paratas now that his double existence has been made clear?

    Chloe (Sam Barrett) is being observed by a menacing motorbike-riding stranger outside her home. She doesn’t notice the figure and goes about her evening as usual. It’s Tex when the rider lifts his helmet. Later, Tex is working out again in the gym while keeping a close eye on her. Chloe realises abruptly that the picture of Mia and Ari is missing and starts desperately looking for it. Tex decides this is a good time to act.

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