    HomeHome & AwayHome and Away star and investment banker ex-boyfriend in court

    Home and Away star and investment banker ex-boyfriend in court

    Jodi Gordon, a former Australian television actress, and her ex-boyfriend have decided to not communicate to each other for two years after their relationship ended in a “physical altercation.”

    After an altercation on April 3 at a bed and breakfast in Kurrajong Heights, 75 kilometers north of Sydney, police sought for apprehended violence orders (AVOs) to safeguard Ms Gordon, 37, and Sebastian Blackler.

    When their cases were mentioned in Windsor Local Court on Thursday, Blackler, 31, and the former Home and Away and Neighbours star did not appear.

    Instead, their attorneys appeared via videolink to inform Magistrate Leanne Robinson that the former couple had consented to follow AVOs prohibiting them from contacting each other in any way for the next two years.

    Under the final AVOs imposed by Magistrate Robinson, Gordon and Blackler must not assault, intimidate, threaten, stalk, or harass each other, or damage each other’s property.

    While Gordon and Blackler agreed to follow the AVO’s terms, the court was told they would not admit to any of the charges contained in police court filings.

    There has been no accusation of misconduct leveled by either Gordon or Blackler, and no charges have been filed by the police.

    The AVOs were issued after Gordon reported a “physical altercation” at the bed and breakfast, according to court documents acquired by The Australian.

    According to the records, the former Neighbours and Home and Away star were discovered with bruises on her eye and mouth, as well as lumps on her forehead.

    Gordon was allegedly inebriated when she “fell against the counter,” according to police.

    According to the court filings, the injuries “appear to be days old.”

    Mr Blackler’s left eye was also found swollen and bruised after the event.

    “Blackler stated Gordon hit him with a wine bottle,” police said in court documents.

    “Blackler was asked to provide a statement (but) declined.

    “Police fear domestic assaults are occurring between the parties with Gordon’s consumption of intoxicating liquor exacerbating the violence…there is clearly domestic violence occurring between the parties (but they) are reluctant to disclose how the injuries have been sustained.”

    Gordon is preparing to return to television in the upcoming season of The Celebrity Apprentice on Nine.

    Gordon and Blackler’s broken relationship was not the first time police were asked to intervene.

    Gordon’s Double Bay residence was raided by police in November 2020 to investigate a domestic abuse accusation.

    Mr Blackler was subjected to an interim AVO to prevent him from attacking, threatening, stalking, harassing, or intimidating Gordon.

    It was set to expire at the end of 2021, with no charges filed.

    The couple apparently split up in May of last year, but then rejoined at the end of February this year.

    Gordon dated Sydney businessman Aidan Walsh after her first breakup with Blackler in 2021.

    That romance ended in December 2021, just months after she made their social media debut as a couple.

    Between 2005 and 2010, Gordon was married to Braith Anasta, a former NRL player and Fox Sports broadcaster.

    She was discovered cowering in the bedroom of bikie Mark Judge after Stokes filed a missing persons report in 2009, while dating Channel 7 CEO Ryan Stokes.

    The two allegedly told authorities that they were being pursued by illicit motorcycle gangs.

    Police were unable to locate the assailants, and Stokes and Gordon ended their relationship as a result of the incident.


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