Home and Away‘s Perri Hayes will be subjected to a horrifying attack in new Australian-paced episodes this week, as his violent father Carl breaks into his home and assaults him.
Australian viewers recently saw Summer Bay newcomer Perri press charges against his dad due to his aggressive behaviour toward Perri, but sadly he was found not guilty by the court.
Perri later put out an AVO (a type of restraining order) against Carl, preventing him from getting in contact with his son — but Perri still hasn’t felt safe from his dad.

This week, Perri’s fears are proved right when Carl turns up at his home and leaves a menacing threat.
TV Week reports that Perri will soon discover a knife stabbed into his kitchen bench, with the restraining order against Carl pinned under its blade. Terrified Perri decides to make a run for it, knowing that he could be in terrible danger.
“The adrenaline rushes through his body so fast, he goes straight into flight-or-fight mode. There’s no rational thinking – he just runs for his life,” Perri actor Cantona Stewart said.
“By now, Perri knows he’s put his father through some serious obstacles and the spotlight from the police is on him. He knows what his father is capable of.”
Unfortunately for Perri, Carl is still in the house. When Perri tries to make a break for it, his dad is quick to catch him up and restrain him.
“This is life or death – no AVO will stop this man,” Stewart said. “The power is in Carl’s hands and he knows the rage running through his veins. Perri is in serious trouble and, this time, there’s no escaping.”

Nasty Carl pulls Perri outside in a headlock and he’s soon forcing his son’s face into the swimming pool, leaving Perri fighting for his life.
When Perri’s mentor, Tane Parata, arrives home, he discovers the horrifying scene. Will he be able to save Perri, and could an altercation with Carl land him straight back in prison following his previous run-in with the law?