Friday, October 18, 2024

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Home and Away Spoilers – Paratas’ reputation in ruins after bikie bust

After being shot during the police raid on the Death Adders motorcycle club, Cash Newman (Nicholas Cartwright) is currently struggling for his life following the dramatic events of the previous week.

Cash joined the raid without first donning his bulletproof vest since he was in a bad mood after seeing his now-ex-girlfriend Jasmine (Sam Frost). Although he managed to take out gang leader Marty (Ben Wood), Marty had already managed to fire two rounds into Cash’s shoulder and belly.

While being transported to the hospital, Cash temporarily experienced a cardiac attack. He was then given to the newly hired Dr. Bree Cameron (Juliet Godwin), who took him directly into surgery. Despite the fact that the procedure went smoothly, Cash experienced another arrest, and additional examination revealed another internal bleed.

As they awaited updates on Cash, Cash’s sister Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) was over herself and quickly accused Cash’s coworker Rose (Kirsty Marillier) of allowing Cash to enter the building without a vest.

Flick subsequently apologized, but Rose couldn’t help but feel guilty because, until last week, she had been seeing the bikie’s sergeant-at-arms Tex (Lucan Linehan).

Bree put Cash into an induced sleep to give his body time to mend even though she was certain there wouldn’t be any further issues. Flick has struggled to leave her brother’s side ever since.

Due to the arrest of both Tane (Ethan Browne) and Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) during the raid, the remainder of the Parata household has now fallen into disarray.

Nik didn’t know Tane had been working with the police and wearing a wire to stop the bikies’ threats against him and his family when he followed Tane to their headquarters. Now that the court hearing is approaching, Tane and Nik must both maintain their façades.

Tane and Nik’s names are prominently shown on the Coastal News front page this week, to to Rose’s chagrin as she is aware of how challenging life will become for the Paratas despite the fact that they have done nothing wrong.

After being given bail, Rose leads Tane and Nik back to the bay and regretfully informs them of the most recent event. She stresses how crucial it is for people to keep their truths to themselves and to tell anyone who inquires to keep their own affairs alone.

Given that his top lifeguard is featured on the front of the newspapers, it is only natural for surf club manager John (Shane Withington) to become interested.

When he learns that the committee has called an extraordinary meeting, John, who has undoubtedly had his fill of gang warfare over the years—after all, he lived next door to the Braxtons for a long time—takes an unusually calm stance, questioning whether they should wait until they have all the information.

While John accepts Nik’s explanation that everything was a mistake, he expresses disappointment in Nik for joining the bikers and cautions him that his job may be in jeopardy.

The committee is meeting to evaluate Nik’s future, and John says that all they have to rely on is what has been reported in the media.

John is told by Nik that there are some things he can’t discuss, and while he makes a commitment to do his best to change their minds, he is unsure whether it will have any effect.

Lynne McGranger and Emily Symons’ Irene and Marilyn are also having a hard time processing the news. Tane is the one John is upset with when he joins them in the diner; how could he allow Nik to become connected with bikers?

Rose, who is seated nearby, becomes agitated when Marilyn notes that Tex was quite convincing in his deceit.

Rose adamantly informs John that Tane and Nik’s culpability should be decided by the courts and that it is a police matter.

She orders him to stay out of it before storming off as John responds that perhaps she should divulge more information.

It is plain to see that Rose is struggling with her guilt over Cash and watching Tane and Nik receive criticism from Summer Bay. Rose makes the decision to take a quick break in order to see her mother and unwind.

Flick is relieved when Bree informs her that it is time to awaken Cash from his coma, and when she gets there, Cash is already awake.

Bree states that Cash is doing well physically, but it is obvious that his mental health is a different matter.

Cash asks Flick about Jasmine right away, with a tear in his eye. She didn’t return, did she…?

Flick tells him he should simply concentrate on getting better, but as the evening progresses Cash begins to grow anxious as he struggles to remember the facts of the incident.

When Flick admits that he killed Marty with a shot, Cash becomes furious and emotional. He demands that Flick bring Rose to him because he thinks she can give him the information he needs to know.

Bree is forced to ask Flick to leave as she tries to calm Cash down after she tells him that Rose is out of town.

The following day, nothing changes, and Flick is only around for a brief period of time before Cash starts inquiring about Rose. Bree requests Cash to explain the situation to her while Flick exits the room once more.

“Because of me, a man is dead.” Cash says, at last speaking. How am I expected to handle it, you ask?

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